Tuesday, April 9, 2013


not that

discontinu contemporary

audie the tem structu
relatio poe use see

visual. seeing of cohe
seerx screen viewe v
can offered o

s th in
with that
a key quest cine
j some partic

that system bra brain
too, shift mab gru emot

through. no understanding
s mind. like, rapid
wal aberratic tes hav
h sens it: viewer. t the

betw examir receptive.
the as par anc natural

focus of as t complica
handheld  tl light
fact of sh by pa the
that: images sensor to:

sou own inter physiol of
transfer physiology. loo
bee no bee that: se
descril th scientific

life, of as: attentic sy 
as: vis thi sy-linear
movement occu o process.

an relation
before th
being. breadth ar


not this

chalk straddling palimpsest
focus of ast complica
handheld  tllight
fact of sh by pathe
that: images sensor to:
newspaper fragments inspired
sou own inter physiol of
transfer physiology. loo
beer no bee that: se
descril th scientific
culled hints sleep voodoo
life, of as: attentic sy 
as: vis thi sy-linear
movement occu o process.
escalator shift forbid
an relations th in
before thj some partic
being. breadth ar with that
boat discontinu contemporary
felt orphan-political wrestle
audie the tem structu
relatio poe use see
martial secretary televisic
visual. seeing of cohe
seerx screen viewev
can offered oa key quest cine
indisciplinary flatten
rewriting the present
that system bra brain
too, shift mab gru emot
spiritual warfare activists
through. no understanding
s mind. like, rapid
wal aberratic tes hav
h sens it: viewer. tthe
archaeological blends
betw examir receptive.
the as par anc natural


not that

curved reflective chair
an relation whiskeygloves
before th artifact blinks
being. breadth ar milk
discontinu contemporary
capital tarot invective
audie the teem structub
relatio poemt use see
chance themselves pear
radios. seeing if cohere
seerx screen viewe vatch
cane offered ohance
percu non-tradioi
soacl throt insati
with that evanascent
a key quest cineglas
jave some partic
themsleeves pharmatic
that system brat brain
toot, shift-mab guru emot
zoo broiler bark
through. no understanding
sensual mind. homerapid
walt aberratic teas hav
hote sens it: viewer. teeth
digital graphite invasion
betwand examir receptive.
the asp par anchor neutral
fruit-springs erasures
focus of ash umpires
handheld  tule light
fact of shrimp by pasts the
that: images sensor to:
propellers snowdance
soud own inner isomer if
transfer physiology. loot
beets no beek that: sea
descril th scientific
machine-kink summer
life, of gas: attentic sylg 
ash: vis thi sy-linear
movement occu euprocess.


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