Monday, April 8, 2013


not that

uriingduuriing f—duuriingduu
riing e aa aa nssidde aa aa whaat 
agge eevoolveescollllagge eev
oolvees tthhe suubjeect tthhe tt
hhe suubjeect butt whaat utt bb 
nngg innccomminngg omminngg 
h llunncchhnncchh llunncchh
siituuaatees siituuaatees siituu
tthhe striingtthhe striings striin
pprrovviddiipprrovviddiirr ppr
tthhe tthhe ptthhe tthhe peenci
innssidde ininnssidde innssidd
ccollllagge cccollllagge ccollll
eevoolvees  eevoolvees  tthhe 
suubjeect bbsuubjeect bbutt b
whaat innccwhaat innccommi
foor foor llufoor foor llunncch
aatees tthhe siituuaatees tthhe 
gs s striings  innccomminngg
rovviddiirr rr pprrovviddiirr 
il peenciileenciil peenciil utt 


not this

dry robe along gold third
coat-alien hammers empty,
yes, the whole thief is s
tolen, even his bbreasts.

emotions led to thought-p
risoners shimmering in th
e molten street. they dis
covered the gene for prof

essionalism, thank gggod.
brains of course eat with
others the adventurous re
volutions of undergrounnd

camouglage oxygen, deviou
s. that was a bit earlier


not that

drone strong tead polt
third impean conxhouse
fire policy, whole thi
ef is stolen, even his
fish rots from the rui
ns of repudiative deba
te. devious oxygen, ca
mouflage underground o

f volitions adventurou
s feathers, eats their
professional brains. t
he gene for molten pri
soners shimmering with
alien hammers, yesless


not this

itself a withering slake feud
cenventional liberal marlboro
of success. slipshod cataclys
mic socialization animals, so
much depends upon the watch,,
the tie, our response to thee
tie, to watching, watching th
e watch, an unmemorable beach

hospital rreading a caribbean
inkblot. naked clarinets, ins
istent. corrosive flesh. diss
olves when the telephone ring
s. nostalgia never falters, n
ever fails, flails an rattles


not that

are they a challenge
to their own degraded
cosmos succeeded by
private cannibal
corporation. biology
ahead of its time.
are they a challenge
to their own discontinuous
deprogramming narrative?
a they challengir ar
environme environment
th er canniba cosmos?
discontinuous tha form all
l in both adventure of
cu proposition as else.


not this

A.) is the key to the united
braided thought reptile
ghost-invective reflected?

B.) no, is something else.

A.) emerge ago this hype
immediately nucleic detaches?

B.) like a ripsaw, building
the engulfed plasma.

C.) screwdrivers feline mosaic.
B.) ocean engineer who knits
the detective-matrix?

A.) unfolding of hybrid knot?
B.) not unlike. awash.
C.) hydraulic tapeworm agents.


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