Marko Pogačar rođen je 1984, godine u Splitu. Objavio je četiri knjige pjesama, dvije knjige eseja te knjigu kratkih priča. Urednik je u književnom časopisu Quorum i dvotjedniku za kulturna i društvena zbivanja Zarez. Bio je stipendist fondacija Civitella Ranieri, Passa Porta, Milo Dor, Brandenburger Tor, Internationales Haus der Autoren Graz, Récollets-Paris, itd. Tekstovi su mu prevođeni na dvadeset pet jezika.
Marko Pogačar was born in 1984, in Split, Yugoslavia. He is an editor of Quorum, a literary magazine, and Zarez, a bi-weekly for cultural and social issues. His publications include four poetry collections, two books of essays and a short story collection. He has been awarded fellowships from Civitella Ranieri, Passa Porta, Milo Dor, Brandenburger Tor, Internationales Haus der Autoren Graz and Récollets-Paris. His work has been translated into twenty-five languages.
Nešto se dešava,
no ne znam što.
neki se grudni
koš širi i napinje,
sužavaju se
stjenke žila, ti žljebovi, žlijezde
luče golemu žuč
nad Zagrebom.
takvo je nebo tih
dana: košmar
bez trunke
svetosti. blok na kojem je štošta
nacrtano i nije
nacrtano, šum
milijuna nogu
koje se pokreću.
ponavljaju glasovi, košmar
ponavljaš ti.
oštre linije kojima
kiša silazi u
svoje utore; nokti, sigurno nokti.
oko zapešća
vezano lišće, jer je jesen i takvo
što bezbolno
prolazi. vode kipe
u loncima. psi
crno procvjetaju. tko mi prilazi
prilazi tupom
zlu: košmar, ponavljam,
ponavljaju oni. cijelo se nebo
sabilo u ključnu
kost, i nitko od puste buke
nikoga ne čuje. a
sve je novo, i sve je mučno
i sve u Zagrebu.
oči, tanjuri, stvari
preko kojih se
gledamo. sve sveto, sve oštro
sve psi, sve naši
gusti glasovi. govor
grada koji bi
grizao, borovi, jato, nešto
u zraku, pod
zemljom, u zidovima; nešto
nad nama i negdje
drugdje. nešto se dešava,
ne znam što.
St Marko's Square
Something is happening, but I don’t know what.
a chest expanding and tightening,
the vein walls constricting, those grooves, glands,
releasing immense bitterness over Zagreb.
that’s what the sky is like these days: a nightmare
without a bit of holiness. a sketchbook in which many things
have and have not been drawn, the rustle
of millions of legs on the move.
nightmare, voices repeat, nightmare
you repeat. the sharp stripes down which
rain descends into its ruts; fingernails, surely fingernails.
leaves tied around wrists, because it’s autumn and these things
painlessly pass. water is boiling
in pots. dogs blossom black. those who approach me
approach the blunt evil: nightmare, I repeat,
nightmare, they repeat. the entire sky has
huddled into the clavicle, and in the sheer noise
no one can hear each other. everything’s new, and everything’s foul,
everything in Zagreb. eyes, plates, things
across which we look at each other. all holy, all sharp
all dogs, all our dense voices. the speech
of a city eager to bite, pine trees, a flock, something
in the air, under the ground, in the walls; something
above us and somewhere else. something is happening,
I don’t know what.
Translated by Dunja Bahtijarević and Kim Addonizio
Svjetlo, Nešto Što Dolazi
Kao polovica
u svojoj južnoj
kao maline, kao
govedo koje muče
iz bijelog saveza
pečeni grah,
bubrezi zemlje,
meso za kućne
nešto iz čega
postane mlijeko
kada su putovi
a zima pravedna i
kao riba, ragu,
nekako tako.
živimo tiho u
tami konzerve
a zatim netko
podigne poklopac
i pusti unutra
zvuk i svjetlo;
eto, sumnjivo
bijelo svjetlo.
Like half of a peach
in its southern sweetness.
like raspberries, like peas.
a cow mooing
out of the white alliance of bones.
baked beans, earth’s kidneys,
meat for domestic animals.
something that breeds milk
when the roads are distant
and winter righteous and severe.
like fish, ragout, something like that.
we live quietly in the darkness of a tin can
then someone lifts the lid
and lets in sound and light;
there, suspicious white light.
Translated by Dunja Bahtijarević and Kim Addonizio
Proljeće nam je
preplelo prste, zmije lude od svjetla
ispreplele su se
sa nama. nije to nikakvo proljeće.
samo se cvijeće
izvija tupo iz svojih čašica
i pčele pjevaju
linoleum i tepih vjetra. zrak,
dubok i težak,
uvlači se pod trave i podiže
trbuhe miševa: ne
prođe dan a oni
razgrnu tijelo
kao zavjesu i raznesu
kosti i
iznutrice. nije to nikakvo proljeće.
samo vode u
rijekama rastu i smočnice
čekaju da ih
ispuni pusta novost. gdjegdje bogovi
guču iz grobova,
kao golubovi. i njihov narod
drugom narodu
kopa oči, no noću, to se dešava
noću. po danu
pupa i u grad se vraćaju ptice: žice
teške od pjesme i
zemlja plodna od govana zatežu grlo.
živice pužu u
nebo. konobari iznose stolove
i muhe upadaju u
čaše. zeleno brzo uči svoj jezik–
pouzdan rječnik
čempresa, slova bukvi i breza;
čak i zemlja pod
noktima spremna je cvasti. ipak nije
to proljeće. nije
to ništa. nema proljeća bez tebe, dosta je
dosta je bilo
Spring has entwined our fingers, snakes mad with light
entwined with us. this is no Spring.
just flowers bluntly sprouting from the sepals
and bees singing the linoleum and carpet of the wind. air,
heavy and deep, creeps under the grass and lifts up
the bellies of mice: its barely a day before they
draw back the body like curtains and spread out
bones and guts. this is no Spring.
just water in the rivers rising and pantries
waiting to fill up with bleak news. here and there gods are
cooing from graves, like pigeons. then one people
plucks out another people's eyes, but at night, it happens
at night. during the day the world buds and birds return to town:
wires heavy with song and soil fertile with shit clog throats.
hedges crawl to the sky. waiters take out tables
and flies drop in glasses. greenery is quick to learn its own language –
the reliable dictionary of cypress, letters of beeches and birches;
even the dirt under fingernails is ready to bloom. yet this is no
Spring. this is nothing. there is no spring without you, enough
enough with the lies.
Translated by Miloš Đurđević
Šipak pupa u
lijehama, nitko ne iznosi mišljenje,
smokve, suhe i
jedne i druge
šuplje od kljunova, nad glavom izostanak zemlje,
što je nebo.
strašilo više ne radi što bi trebalo.
produžuju vrijeme, ali ga ne čine ispunjenim. precizne,
kao telefonske
žice koje nas prisiljavaju na bliskost, povezuju
s drugim bićima.
strašilo funkcionira na sasvim suprotan
način od
telefona. jutros je pas ispio srž iz njegovih nogu
i ono je palo,
karbonizirani križ pred crnačku kuću, odjeća
koju ne možeš
skinuti. takav je mehanizam prirode:
sve što smo
zasijali nikne, bez obzira na sitne zapreke, duga
popodneva, i
unutarnju ravnotežu, svi uvijek kažu: naravno
i ništa ne znači
svo trenje uloženo u pretvorbu ljubavi u beskonačno
male pakete života:
šipak osušen, vrijeme produženo i čisto,
zemljina otvorena
ponuda da me voli trune u mojim prsima, svugdje okolo
samoglasnici, dlanovi, korov i mnogo više.
To the Gardener
Rosehips in garden beds, no-one expresses opinions,
figs, dried and fresh,
both hollowed out with beaks, overhead an absence of earth,
which is the sky. the scarecrow has ceased to do what it's supposed to.
curves elongate time, but they don't make it filled. precise,
like telephone wires that pressure us into closeness, connect us
with other beings. the scarecrow works in a completely opposite
way than the telephone. this morning a dog drank the marrow from its legs
and it fell, a carbonized cross before a black man’s house, clothes
that you can’t take off. such is the mechanism of nature:
everything we have sown sprouts, regardless of little obstacles, long
afternoons, and inner balance, everyone always says: sure,
and all the friction invested in the transformation of love into the endlessly
small packages of life means nothing now: rosehips dried, time elongated and clean,
the earth’s full offer to love me rotting in my chest, everywhere around
unbound vowels, open hands, weeds and much more.
Translated by Dunja Bahtijarević and Anthony Mccann
Umornim Trockistima
Kako, godine 2007., pisati ljubavnu poeziju?
ovo je vrijeme gusto od ljubavi.
svi nas, naime, umjereno vole.
teorija govori o potpunom izostanku kretanja.
tržište kaže: ako govoriš o ljubavi,
govoriš o bogu, ili obrnuto.
Pogačar misli: sve je bog = bog je ništa.
bombarder prepun opasnog značenja.
ali negdje u kutku te ljubavi, kada je pritisneš uz zid,
izrasta nešto bezrezervno.
rezervat uzimanja i davanja.
i u njemu baobab čijom se krošnjom uspinješ k nebu.
na kraju znaš:
jedina strašnija stvar od fašizma
je umjereni
Permanent Revolution of Love Poetry's Language
To the Tired Trockists
How, in the year 2007, to write love
the time is dense with love.
everyone, namely, loves us moderately.
the theory speaks of complete lack of
the market says: if you talk about love,
you talk about god, or vice versa.
Pogačar thinks: everything is god = god is nothing.
a bomber loaded with dangerous meaning.
but somewhere in the corner of that love,
when you press it against the wall,
something unconditional grows.
a nature reserve of give and take.
and in it a baobab through whose branches
you climb up to the sky.
in the end you know: one thing more
horrible than fascism
is moderate fascism.
by Tomislav Kuzmanović
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