What I've been up to, besides no good: I just submitted the page proofs and index for The Birth of the Imagination: William Carlos Williams on Form to UNM Press. The book is due out in November (2016). I'm reading a lot on the sublime, Longinus, Kant and Burke, and on the Enlightenment. The sublime, they believed, contains an element of terror, e.g. fear of God. And I am attempting lately to restain the porch, but every time I'm begun painting the rain moves in.

Fear of God
A hullabaloo outsidea squall moving in
the winds howl over the roof
growl about the corners
bawl, yowl
I am so mortified
Is anyone not struggling?
Write out the grievances:
crushed sore shabby harassed
Why did I get smacked so bad
grumble, grumble
the various toxins available,
rattlesnake, black widow
weird dirt orange trick
tiger leg flicker stifled child
the felony tip glow
a match lit, sulfur tang
red clandestine decay
Why ask people to read such garbage
Light a candle, will you, Jack?
Because it produces in them an unholy dread
& it is sort of delightful
Okay, I had no ulterior purpose but to write
& confess, it breaks the fixation
the reportorial, What I thought was
What I believe she did
What I feel besides broken hearted
a relief to be rid of yourself
curl into a black cloud, rain
can almost rumble rumble
hear the storm clouds below
you mean above
I mean above & below
I mean I always carry raincoats when I travel
you never know when someone special
might knock
Well, you could step outside
& get banged as easily
Okay, but still you never know what pivotal event
fatal interview, you probably should
straighten your tie, pull aright
this could be the moment
you’re taken aside for questioning
Has your humor dried with age?
Yes, dried out, cracked
Bruce Holsapple
Review of Wayward Shadow and info about Bruce's many Audio Recordings of Poets!
Wonderful poem.