Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I35 Creativity Corridor: Jeff Hansen, Minneapolis, MN, April 30

For Truck Blog and I-35W Bridge Over Mississippi

It has to do with time.

A bridge, that is. It has to do with getting it over more quickly.

Jobs depend on it. Other things, too. Like seeing a friend when they are expecting.

It begins by saving time, as compared to a ferry, that is. Afterwards, time rearranges 
itself. Bridges make expectations move more quickly.

Bridges build time.

You may or may not like it. You may also be indifferent, but I doubt it. We all need to 
get somewhere in a segment.

About eight years ago, a well-publicized disaster occurred at the I-35W bridge that 
preceded this new one, built in 2009.

You can Google the disaster, no matter where you are, so long as you have a device.

In some ways, your device can get you closer to the bridge than I am, now, at the 
time of your reading this.

Though I live fairly close to this bridge, it’s highly unlikely that, at any given time, I 
am within sight of it. It’s not on my commute, you see.

I cannot remember the last time I drove across it. I do remember the disaster. Time 
can erase some trauma, but only some.

Time is another name for movement or lack thereof, and vice versa.

What gets us from this one thing to that other thing?

Sometimes, vagueness is preferable to metaphor.

What divides one from an other in this particular instance? What connects them? 
Which is preferable, again, again, in this instance?

Will I get there?

Is there any catching a falling bridge? Can water do it? Or is that crashing?

Water. Bridge. Rivets. Rust. Decay. Water.

This new I-35W bridge won an award for design—signifying that some people with 
authority approved of it. Some authority is warranted.

I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Time is created by bridges, more so than space joined.

A structure is the opposite of a memorial to all that was there before in its space. 
Memorials happen on the side of the beaten track, not in the track.

I live more in the past these days.

One way of living is to not fight against the inevitable, although that can be difficult 
when the inevitable is cataclysmic.

This happens less often than we think and more often.

Sometimes a cataclysm is identified only afterwards. Sometimes we are quite aware.

What is the exact point, exactly? We live in many different ways.

You, reader, are closer to me in a sense than a person standing across the room I am 
now in, as you read this.

A record can be more real than an event.

Nobody buys the event of Pink Floyd making The Dark Side of the Moon.

Without time, there would be no work the way it is currently conceived.

Time vaults a chasm, and does so repeatedly.

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