Sunday, March 8, 2015


(This feature is part of TRUCK’s Theme Issue on the List or Catalog Poem. You can go HERE for an Index of the Participating Poets.)

A List of What I List

I list lustrous harp strings tasted by the sun
I list lore quaintly from our counties' contiguity
I list the lanky lead time to my a cappella strums
I list the luxury of lying in apart from birthing 

I list the leisure of intent among my compositions
I list impending wealth in breezes, branches, breath
I list the treble clef against smooth corners
I list performing as a prayer of zest

I list the way the waves toss fractal breadth
I list the overtones as undertones 
I list the ways you light reluctant darkness
I list our habitat's own natural repose

I list the evidence that intuition sparks new lamping
I list a quiet that reveals your perfect speech
I list inventions of unnoticed selves
I list the strings entwined in centers of our reach


  1. Lovely. That last line is particularly fetching. I like the music of the poem and the considerations of music within in it.

  2. Tom, I thank you, as I thank Eileen.

  3. I list toward you, as always. Tilt!

  4. Andrew, you are remarkable. Thanks for this!
