Friday, April 12, 2013


not that

clamboat pencil sorghum
rattler scotch
no socks torn from
multiple drip -- from
task electric vertebrae
-- scotchtape delirious
jetlag -- sorghum
fluorescent felt-tip


not this

clamboat pencil sorghum
rattler scotch
no socks torn from
multiple drip -- from
task electric vertebrae
-- scotchtape delirious
jetlag -- sorghum
fluorescent felt-tip -
- clambake candles
punish low hum -- rattle
flat circular sawhorse
-- nose-cave cogent
suitcase -- multiple
horizons habitat hazard


not that

tiller fern dangler gravy
banana -- salsa during
fur -- calypso bathtub
clowning rat -- gridlack
in costumes claw -- grits
lock path to reptile -
- bat stub phantom
detective -- during dogs
sprawl limits map the
sunday streets -- gravy
cruz shoelaces over nurse


not this

jetlag -- sorghum detective -- during 
dogs -- nose-cave cogent tiller fern 
dangler gravy fluorescent felt-tip - 
-lock path to reptile -- clambake 
candles banana -- salsa during punish 
low hum -- rattle horizons habitat 
hazard clamboat pencil sorghum cruz 
shoelaces over nurse flat circular 
sawhorse clowning rat -- gridlack
rattler scotch sunday streets 
-- gravy suitcase -- no socks torn 
from sprawl limits map the multiple 
multiple drip -- from - bat stub 
phantom task electric vertebrae 
in costumes claw -- grits -- scotchtape 
delirious fur -- calypso bathtub


not that

shoelaces over nurse flat exploiting
sawhorse clowning rat -- classwar
rattler scotch sunday diaspora
-- gravy suitcase -- no socks zigzag
from sprawl limits map the taste
multiple drip -- from - bat psalm
phantom task electric cafe
in costumes claw -- grits -- abounds
delirious fur -- calypso ploy

low hum -- rattle horizons kabbalah
hazard clamboat pencil sorghum talk
jetlag -- sorghum detective -- sounds
dogs -- nose-cave cogent tiller pianist
dangler gravy fluorescent revolutionary
-- lock path to reptile -- ink
candles banana -- salsa during absence


not this

chowder over nurse flat exploiting
mountains clowning rat -- classwar
desert scotch sunday diaspora
-- edging suitcase -- no socks zigzag
abrupt sprawl limits map the taste
beaten drip -- from - bat psalm
trooper task electric cafe
ravaged costumes claw -- grits 
-- abounds cows fur -- calypso ploy
sliver hum -- rattle horizons kabbalah
dessicated clamboat pencil sorghum talk
snow -- sorghum detective -- sounds
yellow -- nose-cave cogent tiller pianist
ashtray gravy fluorescent revolutionary
-- gentleman path to reptile -- ink
sponge banana -- salsa during absence


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