Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jane Joritz-Nakagawa


Jane Joritz-Nakagawa
walking my imaginary
dog and pretending to make
dinner i avoid looking at

sad buildings because
the world has suddenly turned
quite somber

i would like to liberate
the past from the future
for the sake of all

fallen people
though you can't get up
up the song rises

as if to meet someone
a group of demonstrators
red sun in my eyes

a sense of home evades you
and today the world seemed to be just a scene
and my true self merely my subconscious

i talk to strangers
eating tasteless food
it's never a happy ending
Recent poetry books of Jane Joritz-Nakagawa include "incidental music" (BlazeVOX, 2010), "notational" (Otoliths, 2011) and "Invisible City" (White Sky Ebooks, 2012).  A broadside, "blank notes," is available from Country Valley Press (2012).  Forthcoming work in 2013 includes the chapbooks "Season of Flux" (quarter after press, with photographer Alexis Alvarez) and "absentia" (Mid-June, Dead Man Publishing).  Jane lives in central Japan and can be reached at janenakagawa AT yahoo dot com.




  1. Jane, I like walking imaginary dogs, too! This one, for me, is, intentionally, I suppose, difficult to swallow. Is it the speaker or the strangers who are "eating tasteless food"? I guess it doesn't matter, or does it?


  2. Jane, I like walking imaginary dogs, too! This one, for me, is, intentionally, I suppose, difficult to swallow. Is it the speaker or the strangers who are "eating tasteless food"? I guess it doesn't matter, or does it?


    1. hi! Jeff This is a very belated reply as I just found your comment! but I tend to like intentional ambiguity in poems allowing the reader to decide such matters on her or his own I guess!
